Thursday, August 14, 2008

Helping Out With the Shower!

What a crazy weekend! I think I may the only guy at a baby shower! How many of you guys out there have been elected to watch a room of screaming toddlers, while your wife hosted a baby shower? Okay, I better get an award for my two hours of hard labor! I had kids hanging off me like little monkeys, while I was trying my best to wrap up baby shower favors that my wife didn't have time to do. Now, I think I have a little peek on what really goes on when women multi task! I can now say, that I am no multi tasker! I give a thumbs up to the ladies for everything they do!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Real Men Change Diapers!

I came across another great idea to add to the list of great baby shower gifts! We know that at baby showers, mom's and baby's get all the goodies! Well, we found something for the father to be! The New daddy toolbelt has all the neccities for the new dad on the job! He won't miss a beat with everything he needs in this 12 pocket tool belt! You can get dad his own helping hand at!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Elegant Fragrance Lamps!

The new era of burn less fragrance lamps are nothing less than extraordinary! I received one of these crystal lamps as a gift. Thinking it was a beautiful bottle of perfume, I was surprisingly mistaken! These are the hottest new trend in fragrance lamps to safely fragrant your entire home. Not only are they gorgeous but, much safer than burning a candle if you are not home a lot. These also help fight bacteria and purify the air! If you love to keep your home smelling wonderful these fragrance lamps are something to behold!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Edgy Boardshorts for Boys

Little guys can officially look cool this summer in gear like this! The Small Paul by Paul Frank baby clothes and, children's clothes are always on top of the trends. Just take a look at the skill and crossbones on these striped board shorts! Now, why didn't I have a pair of these when I was a kid? I would of ruled the pool!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Stylish Storage Solutions!

If you have a storage problem, don't fret! Storage solutions don't have to be boring! Make a statement with some of the best looking trends in baby furniture for your kid's room! I really dug this out of sight looking cube box that doubles as a sitting area! With your choice of material, pattern and, color, you can transform any boring room into a hip place for your children to hang out in! They won't mind getting sent to their room!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby Gear For This Day and Age!

I just got back from a long walk down at the waterfront, I have to say it must of been the day for walking. Everyone goes about their business, listening to their MP3 players, or chatting on their cell phones. I like to turn everything off and, people watch. Much like watching a movie unfold in front of me in real time. There were people out running, walking their dogs, and, mom's pushing these cool Bugaboo strollers. I have to say that it looked like a rainbow of colors whizzing past me. I didn't know that the strollers these days have become so upbeat! I think I saw a green, yellow and, this bright red one in a matter of minutes. If you stop and, think of it, with all the cool technology out there, I guess baby stuff is getting better with the times as well! I just wish they had this kind of gear when my kids were little!